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Please refer to for more information on the MOLST and links to Advanced Care Planning.

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Who Needs MOLST

Consider MOLST if the patient wants to avoid or receive any or all life-sustaining treatment; resides in a long-term care facility or requires long-term care services; or might die in the next year.

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How MOLST is Done

MOLST is based on communication between the patient and their physician or nurse practitioner. The 8-Step MOLST Protocol outlines the necessary steps.

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COVID-19 Guidance

Know Your Choices. Share Your Wishes. Create Certainty During Uncertain Times.

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EMS Must Follow MOLST

MOLST guides treatment wherever an emergency occurs.

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Authority of Physician Assistants Expanded

Health Care Proxy Law and Family Health Care Decisions Act revised, effective June 17, 2020

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The Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (MOLST) program is designed to improve the quality of care seriously ill people receive at the end of life. MOLST is based on the patient’s current health status, prognosis, and goals for care. The discussion emphasizes shared medical decision-making that helps the patient understand what can and cannot be accomplished. The result is a set of medical orders that must be honored by all health care professionals in all settings. MOLST is New York’s endorsed National POLST Paradigm Program. For other states, visit

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The MOLST Update is a Newsletter dedicated to providing up-to-date information on advance care planning, MOLST and eMOLST.